Lightworkers Gathering with Maritza(3rd Wednesdays)

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

Come join other like-minded people on an open floor spiritual discussion. Share your knowledge with those that are just starting on their spiritual journey or feel free to ask questions of those who have been on the path longer to help you on your journey. The topic for this month will be: “Share a Book" […]

Crystal Bowl Meditation and Sound Bath with Susan G. Chamberlain, PhD (Tuesdays)

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

Come join me and the Ascended Master’s Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Sarah, High Priest Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel, St. Germain. Plus, your own personal team of Guides, Masters, Teachers, Angels. As we go deeper into your Soul opening you up more possibilities of Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Healing… Please call the store to […]

Crystal Bowl Meditation and Sound Bath with Susan G. Chamberlain, PhD (Tuesdays)

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

Come join me and the Ascended Master’s Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Sarah, High Priest Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel, St. Germain. Plus, your own personal team of Guides, Masters, Teachers, Angels. As we go deeper into your Soul opening you up more possibilities of Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Healing… Please call the store to […]

Crystal Bowl Meditation and Sound Bath with Susan G. Chamberlain, PhD (Tuesdays)

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

Come join me and the Ascended Master’s Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Sarah, High Priest Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel, St. Germain. Plus, your own personal team of Guides, Masters, Teachers, Angels. As we go deeper into your Soul opening you up more possibilities of Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Healing… Please call the store to […]

Crystal Bowl Meditation and Sound Bath with Susan G. Chamberlain, PhD (Tuesdays)

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

Come join me and the Ascended Master’s Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Sarah, High Priest Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel, St. Germain. Plus, your own personal team of Guides, Masters, Teachers, Angels. As we go deeper into your Soul opening you up more possibilities of Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Healing… Please call the store to […]

Crystal Bowl Meditation and Sound Bath with Susan G. Chamberlain, PhD (Tuesdays)

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

Come join me and the Ascended Master’s Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Sarah, High Priest Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel, St. Germain. Plus, your own personal team of Guides, Masters, Teachers, Angels. As we go deeper into your Soul opening you up more possibilities of Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Healing… Please call the store to […]

Lightworkers Gathering with Maritza (3rd Wednesdays)

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

Come join other like-minded people on an open floor spiritual discussion. Share your knowledge with those that are just starting on their spiritual journey or feel free to ask questions of those who have been on the path longer to help you on your journey. The topic for this month will be: “Near Death Experiences" […]

Deep Spiritual Healing Meditation Sound Bath with Susan G. Chamberlain, PhD (Tuesdays)

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

Come join me and the Ascended Master’s Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Sarah, High Priest Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel, St. Germain. Plus, your own personal team of Guides, Masters, Teachers, Angels. As we go deeper into your Soul opening you up more possibilities of Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Healing… Please call the store to […]

Deep Spiritual Healing Meditation Sound Bath with Susan G. Chamberlain, PhD (Tuesdays)

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

Come join me and the Ascended Master’s Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Sarah, High Priest Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Archangel Zadkiel, St. Germain. Plus, your own personal team of Guides, Masters, Teachers, Angels. As we go deeper into your Soul opening you up more possibilities of Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Healing… Please call the store to […]

Sound Bath Meditation with Jim Red Sky

Fairy Dust Crystals and Such® Store 11781 SE US Highway 441, Belleview, FL, United States

With the help of sound, reaching a calmed meditative state is so easy it’s almost automatic even for those who have never meditated before. Our minds, bodies and spirits respond favorably to natural vibrational rhythms and clear tones. With the sounds of hand drum, gongs, rattles & singing crystal bowls, a calm, relaxed state of […]