Transformation Class with Sharon Dvorak (2nd & 4th Wednesdays)

Transformational class is the opportunity to work with Ma-Ryah and learn how to transform any area of your life that you may choose to change and heal the patterns, thoughts and beliefs that have held you back from living your best life.

Ma-Ryah is a non-physical Being of unconditional love that I channel, and she has assisted many people, including myself, to transform many areas of our lives. With her assistance you can learn how to reprogram your thoughts and beliefs and to become aware of the unconscious thoughts and scripts you have lived with and to begin to live a life of more joy, happiness, self-love, and compassion by understanding who you are truly able to be. Working with Ma-Ryah and choosing to live as a responsive person rather than a reactive person you are making a commitment to yourself to transform your life.

Classes are held the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. You will receive assignments to work on in between the classes and Ma-Ryah will go over your results with you and assist you in your process and growth in the most loving way.

Are you ready to begin to live the life you would love to live? A life with more joy than sorrow. A life with more harmony than chaos? A life where you are able to love yourself and others? Would you like to be content and at peace with your life? And for the moments that life places an obstacle in your path the loving guidance of Ma-Ryah assists you to move through it and come out the other side of it in a gentle way. If you are ready to commit to your healing and growth Ma-Ryah is here to help you.

Please call the store to register.

Exchange Rate: $45 per class (cash only)

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Class Instructor

About : Sharon Dvorak

spiritual practitioner, master hypnotist, hypnotherapist, channel (Ma-Ryah), sound healer

Sharon has worked in the healing and Spiritual realms for 34 years and has assisted many people in the discovery of past lives using hypnosis. She is the channel for a non-physical Being known as Ma-Ryah, a Spirit of unconditional love who has lovingly assisted many people in their journey of life. She holds a Bachelors in Theology and is the founder of the certification program of The Ma-Ryah Tuning Fork Method.

Sound healings are $45 (30 min), $75 (1 hour). Hypnosis sessions are $80 (approx 1.5 hours). Channeled sessions with Ma-Ryah are $75 (30 min), $150 (1 hour).

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